I didn’t mean to sound so oracular last post. Let me expiate
by filling in a little. The claim is that things unfolding as they did from the
big bang, including such things as an ordinary trip to the store as ordinarily
described, had a probability either of 1 or something exquisitely close to 0.
In light of quantum theory, it is almost certainly the latter.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Saturday, June 17, 2017
The Probability of Things Unfolding as They Did
Measured from the early big bang, the probability that you would buy just those items you picked up on your last trip to the store could only be either 1 or a number distinguishable from 0 only by a quantity smaller than humankind has ever used or even contemplated.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Mandates, Democratic Theory, and President Trump
It is common for a national leader who wins election by a
large margin to claim a mandate from the voters and a right and duty to make
sweeping policy changes. It is also not uncommon for a candidate who barely
squeaks by in an election to be cautious, proposing a less bold program, and
seeking common ground with other parties. The current US president exhibits the
opposite conduct.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Libertarian Island II: Individual Rights
this second installment of the adventures of shipwrecked Libertarian Bob and Left
Libertarian Ann somewhere in the south seas.